Sunday, January 24, 2016

Review (Cold War) Must Watch!!!

Cold War

This video does a great job to help you review for the test. It is a great summary! 14 mins. is simply fraction of your day. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cold War "Homework" Political Cartoons Due - Jan 25 16'

Directions: Look at the following cartoons and questions. Answer each question by writing in complete sentences. Due 25th of Jan. 

1. In the above cartoon what is happening? What important Cold War Event is this?
What are the soldiers doing in the cartoon? What is the significance of this event?

2. What is going on above? Who are the two men going head to head? Which side is on the right and the left? What kind of missiles are they? If one side would have made a move what would have happened to the other side?

3. Do you believe that brinksmanship is a dangerous proposition when two super powers are at each others throats? Do you believe nuclear war between two superpowers is likely? Why or why not?

4. Look at the chart below and highlight some of the strengths and weakness of both side. Which side do you think was stronger? Justify the reasons why you believe this to be true.

Soviet Union Soviet Union                                                                                                                 United States 

DemographyHad a population of 286.7 million in 1989, the third largest on Earth behind China and India.[31]Had a population of 248.7 million in 1990, at that time the fourth largest on Earth.[32]
GeographyLargest state in the world (actually a superstate), with a surface area of 22,270,000 km².[31]Fourth largest country in the world (after the Soviet Union, Canada, China), with an area of 9,526,468 km².[33]
EconomyGDP of $2.9 trillion in 1990. Second largest economy in the world.[34] Enormous mineral energy resources and fuel supply. Generally self-sufficient using a minimal amount of imports, though suffered resource inadequacies such as in agriculture. Marxist economic theory based primarily on production: industrial production directed by centralised state organs leading to a high degree of inefficiency. Five-year plans frequently used to accomplish economic goals. Economic benefits such as guaranteed employment, free healthcare, free education on all levels formally assured for all citizens, though this wasn't necessarily always implemented. Economy tied to Central and Eastern-European satellite states.GDP of $5.2 trillion in 1990. Largest economy in the world. Capitalist free market economic theory based on supply and demand: production determined by customers' demands, though it also included rising income inequality since 1979.[35] Enormous industrial base and a large and modernized farming industry. Large volume of imports and exports. Large resources of minerals, energy resources, metals, and timber. High standard of living with accessibility to many manufactured goods. Home to a multitude of the largest global corporationsU.S. Dollar served as the dominant world reserve currency under Bretton Woods Conference. Allied with G7 major economies. Supported allied countries' economies via such programmes as the Marshall Plan.
PoliticsStrong Communist state. Anti-colonialist movements and labour parties. Permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.Strong capitalist federation/constitutional republic. Permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council plus two allies (France and the UK) with permanent seats.
Foreign relationsStrong ties with Central and Eastern Europe, countries in Latin AmericaSoutheast Asia, and Africa. Also had an alliance with China up until 1961. Supported Communist and socialist countries around the world.Strong ties with Western Europe, some countries in Latin America, the Commonwealth of Nations, and several East Asian countries. Supported democracies and anti-Communist dictatorships around the world.
MilitaryPossessed largest armed forces and air force in the world, and the second of the world's largest navies. Possessed bases around the world. Held the world's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons for the second half of the Cold War. Founder of Warsaw Pact with satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe. Global intelligence networkwith GRU and the First Chief Directorate of KGB. Ties with paramilitary and guerrilla groups in the developing world. Large armament production industry with global distribution.Highest military expenditure in the world,[36] with the world's largest navy surpassing the next 13 largest navies combined,[37][38] and an army and air force rivaled only by that of the Soviet Union. Possessed bases around the world, particularly in an incomplete "ring" bordering the Warsaw Pact to the West, South and East. Largest nuclear arsenal in the world during the first half of the Cold War. Powerful military allies in Western Europe (NATO) with their own nuclear capabilities. Global intelligence networks, the CIANSA and DIA. Ties with paramilitary and guerrilla groups in the developing world. Large armament production through defense contractors along with its developed allies for the global market.
MediaPress explicitly controlled and censored. Promoted, through the use of propaganda, its Communist and Socialist ideal that workers of all countries should unite to overthrow capitalist society and what they called the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and replace it with a socialist society where all means of production are publicly owned.Maintained constitutional guarantees for freedom of speech and freedom of the press, though the ongoing Cold War did lead to a degree of censorship, particularly during the Vietnam War and the Second Red Scare when censorship was the heaviest.
CultureRich tradition in literatureclassical music, and ballet.Rich tradition and worldwide cultural influence in musicliteraturefilmtelevisioncuisineart, and fashion.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Cold War - (Asia) Vietnam

Domino Theory - If one country falls the rest around it are surely to fall to communism. 

Guerrillas/ Warfare - citizens who could become warriors and then hide/ blend into the population. 

Vietminh - Freedom Fighters trying to expel the French. Lead by Ho Chi Minh

Viet Cong - South Vietnamese communist soldiers that fought for the unification of Vietnam. 

Napalm - gel-liqufied petroleum that sticks to things and lights things on fire. Used in flamethrowers. 

Agent Orange - poisonous herbicide that kills vegetation like trees and plants. Used heavily during the Vietnam War. Many became sick and died as a result of the spraying. 

Strategic - something of great importance. Example: If a place has a lot of uranium which is used to make nuclear bombs then that place is of great strategic importance. 

Crucial Time Line - Vietnam 

1.Vietnam owned by France --- 2. Japan Takes over with Force ---3. French retake after Japan loss
       1890's - 1940's                                     1940's (WWII)                                   Late 40's

Ho Chi Minh - Vietnamese Communist Leader - Fights for Nationalism and to expel France. 
Studied in China and Russia/ Soviet Union. 

Ngo Dinh Diem - South Vietnam leader - supported by USA. 

Turning point for the French - Dien Bien Phu (Strategic Vietnamese Village)

The french tried to cut off a major supply route which was a mistake because the Vietminh surrounded and captured the French Soldiers. France soon after pulled out of Vietnam. 

Presidential Time Line (Vietnam) 

Dwight Eisenhower - J.F.Kennedy (assassinated) - Lyndon B.  Johnson 

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - gave authorization to the president to "take all necessary  measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression. 
President had the power to 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Cold War

2 Sides during WW2

Allies - Russia, USA, France, U.K.  (R.U.U.F)
Axis (Bad) - Germany, Japan, Italy (J.I.G)

Who won? The Allies    :)

Potsdam Conference - Russia and USA meet to settle the dispute of war torn Europe after WWII

-Key people - Truman = USA         Stalin = Russia

-What was discussed?

Russia wanted reparations or repayment for the damage Germany inflicted during WWII.
Russia takes East Germany and USA, France, U.K. take West Germany.

The U.S and Russia both argued for the reduction of nuclear weapons but both refused to give up nuclear weapons.

- In order to halt the spread of communism the United States reacted by a policy enacted by George Kennan known as containment. Hint: (Think of a container and how it holds in liquids from getting out a spilling)

Western Europe - (IRON CURTAIN) - Eastern Europe
USA - Capitalist  invisible seperation   Russia- Communist

satellite nations - nations that are under the influence (economic and political) of main super powers such as USA and Russia.

satellite nation examples: Russia - North Korea, China, Vietnam, Ukraine.

satellite nation examples: USA - Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

First satellite in space - Russia (Sputnik)

Senator Joseph McCarthy - believed communist had penetrated every office in the U.S. including the Stare Dept. and the Army. Many were scared and feared of being called or "labeled" a communist.

Truman Doctrine - to support freedom loving countries against the spread of communism.

Example: the USA gave money to both the Greece and Turkey as a bribe to resist communism.

Marshall Plan - a plan that was set up to provide U.S. "aid" or money to European countries to boost their economies.