Sunday, January 17, 2016

Cold War - (Asia) Vietnam

Domino Theory - If one country falls the rest around it are surely to fall to communism. 

Guerrillas/ Warfare - citizens who could become warriors and then hide/ blend into the population. 

Vietminh - Freedom Fighters trying to expel the French. Lead by Ho Chi Minh

Viet Cong - South Vietnamese communist soldiers that fought for the unification of Vietnam. 

Napalm - gel-liqufied petroleum that sticks to things and lights things on fire. Used in flamethrowers. 

Agent Orange - poisonous herbicide that kills vegetation like trees and plants. Used heavily during the Vietnam War. Many became sick and died as a result of the spraying. 

Strategic - something of great importance. Example: If a place has a lot of uranium which is used to make nuclear bombs then that place is of great strategic importance. 

Crucial Time Line - Vietnam 

1.Vietnam owned by France --- 2. Japan Takes over with Force ---3. French retake after Japan loss
       1890's - 1940's                                     1940's (WWII)                                   Late 40's

Ho Chi Minh - Vietnamese Communist Leader - Fights for Nationalism and to expel France. 
Studied in China and Russia/ Soviet Union. 

Ngo Dinh Diem - South Vietnam leader - supported by USA. 

Turning point for the French - Dien Bien Phu (Strategic Vietnamese Village)

The french tried to cut off a major supply route which was a mistake because the Vietminh surrounded and captured the French Soldiers. France soon after pulled out of Vietnam. 

Presidential Time Line (Vietnam) 

Dwight Eisenhower - J.F.Kennedy (assassinated) - Lyndon B.  Johnson 

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - gave authorization to the president to "take all necessary  measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression. 
President had the power to 

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