Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Cold War

2 Sides during WW2

Allies - Russia, USA, France, U.K.  (R.U.U.F)
Axis (Bad) - Germany, Japan, Italy (J.I.G)

Who won? The Allies    :)

Potsdam Conference - Russia and USA meet to settle the dispute of war torn Europe after WWII

-Key people - Truman = USA         Stalin = Russia

-What was discussed?

Russia wanted reparations or repayment for the damage Germany inflicted during WWII.
Russia takes East Germany and USA, France, U.K. take West Germany.

The U.S and Russia both argued for the reduction of nuclear weapons but both refused to give up nuclear weapons.

- In order to halt the spread of communism the United States reacted by a policy enacted by George Kennan known as containment. Hint: (Think of a container and how it holds in liquids from getting out a spilling)

Western Europe - (IRON CURTAIN) - Eastern Europe
USA - Capitalist  invisible seperation   Russia- Communist

satellite nations - nations that are under the influence (economic and political) of main super powers such as USA and Russia.

satellite nation examples: Russia - North Korea, China, Vietnam, Ukraine.

satellite nation examples: USA - Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands

First satellite in space - Russia (Sputnik)

Senator Joseph McCarthy - believed communist had penetrated every office in the U.S. including the Stare Dept. and the Army. Many were scared and feared of being called or "labeled" a communist.

Truman Doctrine - to support freedom loving countries against the spread of communism.

Example: the USA gave money to both the Greece and Turkey as a bribe to resist communism.

Marshall Plan - a plan that was set up to provide U.S. "aid" or money to European countries to boost their economies.

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