Monday, February 22, 2016

REVIEW REVIEW ( Test on Thursday )



Cold War:  Iron Curtain, division of Berlin, Korea, CIA’s role
Berlin Airlift, NATO – US, Allies to fight soviet aggression

Cold War at home:  McCarthyism ( liar ) , Red Scare Soviets had invaded the government, espionage (spying), fall-out shelters – to protect against the harms of radiation,  Truman – integrated the Army.

Kennedy:  Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin Wall, space program, assassination
(NASA – developed due to Sputnik)

Vietnam:  Dienbien Phu, Tet Offensive – offensive from the north to attack American bases, My Lai, Vietnamization – Allowing the S. Vietnamese a bigger war role while pulling out,
Kent State – Major protest that resulted in Police Shooting Protesters, withdrawal, domino theory – if one falls to communism they all fall, Geneva Accords – split the country into two (17th parallel), Gulf of Tonkin – sinking of the US ship (started the war), My Lai – Brutal butchering of innocent Vietnamese by US troops,

Civil Rights:  Brown v. Board of Education, Montgomery Bus Boycott ( Rosa Parks ) , Greensboro sit-ins, Freedom Rides – stopped in Jackson, MS, March on Washington – I have a dream, Civil Rights Act 1964, Selma March – showed the brutality of the Police on National T.V. , Watts – Riots in LA, Martin Luther King, Jr - SCLA, Malcolm X – Nation of Islam , Rosa Parks,  Thurgood Marshall - first US Supreme Court Justice, defacto ( Culture ) vs. dejure (Law) segregation, affirmative action – blacks, women and minorities received the benefit as a repayment for past injustices, Rights for those with disabilities, environmentalism

Nixon:  detente – relaxation of tensions between Russian and US , ping-pong diplomacy – playing both sides to get more votes, Salt I, Watergate -illegally spying for without a warrant ( wiretapping , Ford ( pardon ) Southern Strategy – appealing to white segregationist, executive privilege – the feeling that the    

Jimmy Carter: Iran Hostage Crisis – ended in failure and , energy crisis – OPEC ( Saudi Arabia, Middle East refused to pump gas. (led to more fuel efficient cars.

Ronald Reagan: Reaganomics ( Trickle down theory ), conservatism, Beirut bombing, Star Wars - satellites, anti-missile shield , Gorbachev, dismantling of USSR

George Bush:  Operation Desert Storm/Saddam Hussein

Bill Clinton: Yugoslavia, Somalia, Rwanda, USS Cole, OKC bombing
Roles in each of the conflicts.  ( Small Wars but largely not spoken of)

Election of 2000 -  Gore vs. Bush – Bush won voter fraud in Florida.

George W. Bush:  Sept 11th, Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq

Election of 2008 – Obama elected President

Presidents in Order: 

-              Real Tough Eggs Keep Jumping Near (the) Free Chicken.

40’s-80’s Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter

-              Rowdy Boys Come Back Often.
90’s – Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama


Plessy vs. Ferguson 1896 – segregation legal

Brown v. Board of Education         - Makes segregation illegal in schools

Little Rock 9 – (Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops to stop  Governor from blocking Federal Law.)

                                                                        MLK assassinated – Memphis, TN

Pearl Harbor – cause of WWII                         Kent State – shooting on college campus.

US ceasefire in Vietnam                                      Nixon resigns after Watergate

Korean War (50’s) Truman                                     Iran Hostage crisis

Beirut bombing – bombed Marine base in Lebanon 

Brown v. Board of Education                                         Challenger disaster - blown up space shuttle

Montgomery bus boycott                                                  Iran-Contra Scandal
                                                                                                     Sending weapons to Iranians
                                                                                                         Money used to fund C. American Army Greensboro sit-ins
Effect on the Civil Rights                                                       
US-Soviet INF Treaty
Fall of Berlin Wall (89)    What did it symbolize?  Fall of communism

March on Washington (I Have a Dream)  
Operation Desert Storm (1st) – Iraq invaded Kuwait.  

Kennedy assassinated                                                             End of USSR - 1989

Civil Rights Act                                                                             OKC bombing – Main subjects?

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution                                                     Clinton impeachment hearings


                                                                                                            US bombing campaign in Afghanistan
                                                                                                            US-led coalition war in Iraq

                                                                                                            Barack Obama elected President

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Due 2/15/2016 (Bay of Pigs) (Space Race)

Directions: Please watch the videos and respond to the questions below. Answers should be written in complete sentences. You have the week to complete this assignment. 

Bay of Pigs 

1. Why did the U.S. government think they would be successful in the operation?

2. What are the three reasons given in the video on why the operation was a disaster or didn't go as planned?

3. The advice given at the end of the video was for president to do essentially what?

Space Race 

1. Why did Sputnik scare the United States beside being the first satellite in space?

2.  Who was the first man to be placed into orbit? What was the American response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik?

3.  How did the American's try to get ahead in the space race? What primary event helped to set this in motion?

4. What were a few of the overall benefits of the Space Race that we now reap the benefits of today?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Homework due Feb. 4th

Political Cartoon Interpretation 

1. Above is a cartoon that highlights what major supreme court ruling? How the artist use color to depict the different sides? What does the black sheep represent? Who is in the school? What is happening overall in the cartoon?

2. Above what is the cartoon depicting? What is the difference between the black power movement and the KKK? Which side was right? Explain in a minimum of four sentences.

3. Above what is this cartoon trying to depict? Notice the dress of the characters, the books and the weapons. What is the artist hinting at with these items? What Civil Rights Leader would they likely support?