Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Due 2/15/2016 (Bay of Pigs) (Space Race)

Directions: Please watch the videos and respond to the questions below. Answers should be written in complete sentences. You have the week to complete this assignment. 

Bay of Pigs 

1. Why did the U.S. government think they would be successful in the operation?

2. What are the three reasons given in the video on why the operation was a disaster or didn't go as planned?

3. The advice given at the end of the video was for president to do essentially what?

Space Race 

1. Why did Sputnik scare the United States beside being the first satellite in space?

2.  Who was the first man to be placed into orbit? What was the American response to the Soviet launching of Sputnik?

3.  How did the American's try to get ahead in the space race? What primary event helped to set this in motion?

4. What were a few of the overall benefits of the Space Race that we now reap the benefits of today?

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