Monday, February 22, 2016

REVIEW REVIEW ( Test on Thursday )



Cold War:  Iron Curtain, division of Berlin, Korea, CIA’s role
Berlin Airlift, NATO – US, Allies to fight soviet aggression

Cold War at home:  McCarthyism ( liar ) , Red Scare Soviets had invaded the government, espionage (spying), fall-out shelters – to protect against the harms of radiation,  Truman – integrated the Army.

Kennedy:  Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin Wall, space program, assassination
(NASA – developed due to Sputnik)

Vietnam:  Dienbien Phu, Tet Offensive – offensive from the north to attack American bases, My Lai, Vietnamization – Allowing the S. Vietnamese a bigger war role while pulling out,
Kent State – Major protest that resulted in Police Shooting Protesters, withdrawal, domino theory – if one falls to communism they all fall, Geneva Accords – split the country into two (17th parallel), Gulf of Tonkin – sinking of the US ship (started the war), My Lai – Brutal butchering of innocent Vietnamese by US troops,

Civil Rights:  Brown v. Board of Education, Montgomery Bus Boycott ( Rosa Parks ) , Greensboro sit-ins, Freedom Rides – stopped in Jackson, MS, March on Washington – I have a dream, Civil Rights Act 1964, Selma March – showed the brutality of the Police on National T.V. , Watts – Riots in LA, Martin Luther King, Jr - SCLA, Malcolm X – Nation of Islam , Rosa Parks,  Thurgood Marshall - first US Supreme Court Justice, defacto ( Culture ) vs. dejure (Law) segregation, affirmative action – blacks, women and minorities received the benefit as a repayment for past injustices, Rights for those with disabilities, environmentalism

Nixon:  detente – relaxation of tensions between Russian and US , ping-pong diplomacy – playing both sides to get more votes, Salt I, Watergate -illegally spying for without a warrant ( wiretapping , Ford ( pardon ) Southern Strategy – appealing to white segregationist, executive privilege – the feeling that the    

Jimmy Carter: Iran Hostage Crisis – ended in failure and , energy crisis – OPEC ( Saudi Arabia, Middle East refused to pump gas. (led to more fuel efficient cars.

Ronald Reagan: Reaganomics ( Trickle down theory ), conservatism, Beirut bombing, Star Wars - satellites, anti-missile shield , Gorbachev, dismantling of USSR

George Bush:  Operation Desert Storm/Saddam Hussein

Bill Clinton: Yugoslavia, Somalia, Rwanda, USS Cole, OKC bombing
Roles in each of the conflicts.  ( Small Wars but largely not spoken of)

Election of 2000 -  Gore vs. Bush – Bush won voter fraud in Florida.

George W. Bush:  Sept 11th, Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq

Election of 2008 – Obama elected President

Presidents in Order: 

-              Real Tough Eggs Keep Jumping Near (the) Free Chicken.

40’s-80’s Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter

-              Rowdy Boys Come Back Often.
90’s – Regan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama


Plessy vs. Ferguson 1896 – segregation legal

Brown v. Board of Education         - Makes segregation illegal in schools

Little Rock 9 – (Eisenhower sends in Federal Troops to stop  Governor from blocking Federal Law.)

                                                                        MLK assassinated – Memphis, TN

Pearl Harbor – cause of WWII                         Kent State – shooting on college campus.

US ceasefire in Vietnam                                      Nixon resigns after Watergate

Korean War (50’s) Truman                                     Iran Hostage crisis

Beirut bombing – bombed Marine base in Lebanon 

Brown v. Board of Education                                         Challenger disaster - blown up space shuttle

Montgomery bus boycott                                                  Iran-Contra Scandal
                                                                                                     Sending weapons to Iranians
                                                                                                         Money used to fund C. American Army Greensboro sit-ins
Effect on the Civil Rights                                                       
US-Soviet INF Treaty
Fall of Berlin Wall (89)    What did it symbolize?  Fall of communism

March on Washington (I Have a Dream)  
Operation Desert Storm (1st) – Iraq invaded Kuwait.  

Kennedy assassinated                                                             End of USSR - 1989

Civil Rights Act                                                                             OKC bombing – Main subjects?

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution                                                     Clinton impeachment hearings


                                                                                                            US bombing campaign in Afghanistan
                                                                                                            US-led coalition war in Iraq

                                                                                                            Barack Obama elected President

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